The 5R’s of Cellular Healing
Dr. Daniel Pompa
The Answer Lies Within
Nutrition occurs only when the cells accept the nutrients necessary for cellular metabolism and discards waste products that impede performance.
- REMOVE the source of Cellular Distress!
- REGENERATE the Cell Membranes!
- RESTORE Cellular Energy for vitality!
- REDUCE Oxidative Damage & Inflammation!
- RE-ESTABLISH Cellular Function (methylation)!
R # 1: Remove the Source
If you don’t remove the source you will never have a true and lasting solution. I have a problem with not only allopathic practitioners but also the natural or alternative practitioners when it comes to this topic. Neither is getting to the cause because they are simply covering up symptoms with either more medications or supplements, or surgery. Neither are sitting knee to knee with people and really digging into an individual’s history in order to figure out why they got sick. My fellow chiropractor’s philosophy is to remove the interference and allow the body’s innate intelligence to do the healing. This philosophy is where the truth lies. The level of toxicity is like no time in the history of mankind. Not only is the outside air polluted, but what we are putting directly into our bodies are polluted too. If you do not know how to remove the source properly, you are never going to impact the cause.
R # 2: Regenerate the Cell Membrane
Regenerating the membrane has done more for me than any other therapy. R2, not only dramatically improved my life, but also a client who was on the autism spectrum and diagnosed with sensory integration. As you will learn in this teaching, the cell membrane plays a major role in detox, hormone health, and epigenetics and holds the intelligence of the cell. Regenerating the cell membrane is at the core of a solution to the growing number of unexplainable symptoms and degenerative diseases that we are seeing today in epidemic proportions.
R #3: Restore Cellular Energy
R3 affects every pathway associated with cellular healing. Cellular energy (ATP) is the gasoline of the cell and nothing runs or functions without it. Individuals lacking ATP have become an epidemic in this country and one of the main causes of so many symptoms beyond fatigue and the lack of physical energy. Symptoms such as brain fog, digestive problems, and hormone conditions may not be what you think of with the lack of cellular energy, but I can tell you this: without raising ATP in the cell, most often you will not impact those symptoms or conditions. Because of this, R3 has become one of the first things I focus on with most patients. The problem is the people who need to increase their cellular energy the most do not typically respond to most methods of raising it.
The answer is so simple but so life changing.
R #4: Reduce Inflammation
R4 is “reducing inflammation” and oxidative stress, because it plays into inflammation. Reducing inflammation is obviously a key component of cellular health and obviously a key component of detox and really the answer to improving the cause of most degenerative diseases that we’re seeing today, even cancer.
TIME Magazine, February 2004, the headlines read: “THE SECRET KILLER – The surprising link between INFLAMMATION and HEART ATTACKS, CANCER, ALZHEIMER’S, and other diseases.”
R #5: Re-establish Methylation
At this point it should be more than obvious that the 5R’s of cellular healing were divinely established. I could never take credit for something that came the way this did.
A stressor of any type can turn on a bad gene, and often times it gets triggered during emotionally stressful times such as divorce, separation, the death of a loved one, etc. Even physically stressful times like pregnancy, can trigger a gene that begins expressing its ugliness in the form of hormone problems and even sudden weight gain. Many thyroid and autoimmune conditions start shortly after pregnancy and will not resolve until the gene is turned off. These same conditions can be triggered following a toxic exposure such as amalgam filling being drilled out without proper protection, or being in a house that develops mold after water damage.