“You didn’t get sick over night, do not expect to get better over night.”
The majority of patients who enter our office have been developing their illness for 20-30+ years. The process of getting well is much like the stock market; you will have good days and bad days. However, as you look back on your care you will realize you have always been progressing. I have been treating very sick people including myself for many years (over 33 years to be exact) and I have never seen or experienced a progression to health in any other way.
My point is you are going to have bad days and that does not mean you are regressing. You will also have good days and those good days do not mean that you are cured.
True healing takes time. You can cover symptoms in hours or days but to remove a cause you will need to be patient and committed to the process.
What You Can Expect From Us:
- Our commitment to get to the true cause of your illness.
2. Our support, as we are here to offer you not just hope but a path to follow.
- Encouragement based on our experience of treating very sick patients and going from pain to purpose in our own health battles.
- Value, we understand that the majority of our patients have financial burdens many of which occur because of their illness. Therefore, we created a health investment discount package to make it more affordable (based on the minimal amount of visits, testing and fees). We obviously have to charge for our services, as we are a business but by no means over charge in regards to today’s medical fees. It is our goal to restore your health and life.
What NOT To Expect From Us:
- Do not expect a “get fixed quick scheme” or a “magic bullet”. Most illnesses do not occur overnight and true healing takes time.
- Do not expect to be coddled – we are going to be tough because we have to be! We will not necessarily tell you what you want to hear but what you need to hear to regain your health and life. Most of the patients that we treat are in the death zone. We have found the only way to pull them out of the death zone is to not coddle but to speak truth into their lives.
What We Expect From You:
- Commitment to lifestyle changes. It’s not easy but when getting to the cause lifestyle changes such as diet, exercise, toxin avoidance, and attitude are a must in order to return someone back to a state of health.
- Commitment to the Protocols that we outline for your case. It is the individuals that stick closely to the protocols and that remain diligent that get the most consistent results.
- Patience, REMEMBER you didn’t get sick over night and you will not get better overnight.