Cut the fat, lose the weight.
We have heard this for years. Is it true? What if it isn’t? What if eating fat was actually good for you?!!
“Excessive fat causes us to gain weight. Cholesterol causes us to have cardiovascular disease, strokes and heart attacks.”
Well not so fast. since this most recent election cycle we have heard a lot about “fact checking” and “fake news”.
It is important to fact check and discern what we hear on the news. As an example, Hillary Clinton said numerous times, “Fact check it. Go to my website and fact check it.” This is non-political, however, I would suggest that going to her web site to fact check something will not necessarily uncover the truth.
As to fake news? The mainstream news media has forever been the bastion of truth, well, until now it is discovered to not be. So caution is important so you actually discern. Don’t just follow the masses and assume you are following the truth because all of these people just can’t be wrong.
A fact plus an opinion does not necessarily make a truth. Neither does a couple of related facts plus an opinion make a truth.
So does eating fat make you fat, as the media would have us believe? Maybe we need more information so as to discern the truth.
Back in 1950 the US government repealed a heavy margarine tax and the sale of margarine started to take off. Margarine was first discovered in 1813 and reestablished in 1869 in France but sales were slow. The dairy industry fought margarine as it was a “cheaper butter substitute.” It was billed as a healthier alternative to butter. And hence began the anti fat movement.
Sugar is known scientifically to cause weight gain and the sugar industry wanted to shift the blame away from sugar and they chose fat. The Sugar Research Foundation, known today as the Sugar Association, paid three Harvard scientists the equivalent of about $50,000 in today’s dollars to publish a 1967 review of research on sugar, fat and heart disease.The studies used in the review were handpicked be the sugar group, and the article, which was published in the prestigious new England Journal of Medicine minimized the link between sugar and heart health and cast aspersions on the role of saturated fat.
If one yells loud enough and long enough, it tends to become accepted as fact. The mainstream media, doctors and their trade associations have all become accomplices, hopefully unwittingly, to this grand deception.
The bottom line is: cast the unsuspecting innocent as the culprit and make the masses believe this.
So the new culprit is saturated fat. The sugar continues doing its damage and margarine and the other unsaturated fats that are the saviors, actually turn out to be the real culprits. For years we have followed the mantra of no saturated fats or cholesterol and eat only unsaturated fats, (vegetable oils.) The incidence of heart disease, Alzheimers, and more have increased exponentially during this time.
If you are ready for a change and want to learn more about the truth of fat in your diet, should you eat fat and what kind is best, just let me know. Losing weight and staying healthy is really not that difficult.
I will be doing a series of blogs talking about weight loss resistance, yo-yo dieting, the effects of fat in your diet and many things you have never heard about before. In fact, most of what I will be presenting may seem to be just opposite what you have been led to think and believe about weight loss.
If you are interested in having complimentary access to these blogs, just send an email to: and write weight loss in the subject line. You will receive an email to notify you when the next blog is available.
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Dr. Lou