We have all heard, “If you lose weight, you will be healthier.”
Is that true?
Maybe it is and maybe it isn’t. As we move through this holiday season, (it is currently early December), good foods and tasty treats are of abundance and they are oh so good. Unfortunately, the first of the year is right around the corner and that is when we all get committed to getting on a diet and losing the weight we have gained.
How many years has this been your experience? You lose some weight and gain it back, and then some?
Do you want to have a different experience this year? I can say with certainty that it will be no different if you do the same as last year. You may try a different “fad” diet, but you will get the same results. Why do I say this? You will still be counting calories, exercising, restricting your intake of food. The only thing different is the type of foods you are consuming. So, you are doing the same thing you have done year after year. And you will get the same results.
I have often jokingly said that I can put you on a coffee and donut diet and you will lose weight. It is true that you will lose weight following this advice, however, it should be obvious that this will not be a very healthy diet.
Since 1973, I have been helping individuals with “weight-loss resistance” and all the normal methods out there do not work. After all, weight loss is a multi-billion dollar a year business and it keeps growing along with everyones waistlines.
Are you going to continue doing the same thing and expect to get different results? Isn’t it time you did something different? It would then be possible to get a different result.
I had one individual that had literally tried everything in the book, and kept gaining weight. After beginning to work with her and make some foundational changes, she was still not progressing. I introduced one, just one, simple change and the pounds just started melting away.
Interested to find out about this ONE change?
I will be doing a series of blogs talking about this one thing and many things you have never heard about before. In fact, most of what I will be presenting may seem to be just opposite what you have been led to think and believe about weight loss.
If you are interested in having complimentary access to these blogs, just send an email to: uhs4life@gmail.com and write weight loss in the subject line. You will receive an email to notify you when the next blog is available.
If you look for the solution in the wrong place, how long will it take you to find the solution?
Isn’t it time you started getting better information?
Get your free access to this amazing information and 2017 may just be your best year ever.
Dr. Lou