Are Yo-Yo diets healthy or are you slowing causing damage to your heart and other organs?
We have all heard this, “Lose weight and you will be healthier.”
I would like to differ with this thought. In fact I will go as far to say this is not true!
As we move into the New Year, we all look at the scales and are horrified to see what they read. So we commit to losing a few pounds at the first of the year. In fact, it has become an annual ritual for Americans. We start counting calories, restrict our dietary intake and sign up for gym memberships!
We lose a few pounds, go to the gym once and then go back to the way we were. Unfortunately we gain the pounds back and then some. This we do every year and continue to gain weight.
The problem with this Yo-Yo dieting is that it over stresses the heart and cardiovascular system and leads to increased risk of metallic syndrome, diabetes, fatty liver disease and other diseases.
As stated in the previous article, weight-loss is a multi-billion dollar per year business. Is it possible that none of these programs really work? Lets assume that if any of them did work, people would lose weight, keep it off and all of their health indicators would improve. If that was the criteria, it is easy to see that is not the outcome and therefore we can say that none of them work. (Someone is making a lot of money off of us though.)
We need to look at things differently. We need to ask different questions to get better answers, and we need to take personal responsibility. No one or no thing can fix you.
So what about the statement, “If you lose weight you will be healthier?”
“Weight-loss-resistance”, if you will, is a symptom just like any other symptom. A headache is a symptom, not the problem. An upset stomach is a symptom, not the problem. Weight-loss-resistance is a symptom, not the problem. While one can remove, reduce, or cover up the symptom does not mean the problem has been discovered much less fixed.
If you have a metabolic disorder, dieting will be unsuccessful. If you have cellular inflammation, dieting will be unsuccessful. And the list goes on.
There is a simple trick to see what the problem may be. If you don’t know the cause of the weight-loss-resistance, you will be unsuccessful with your dieting.
I will be doing a series of blogs talking about this yo-yo dieting and many things you have never heard about before. In fact, most of what I will be presenting may seem to be just opposite what you have been led to think and believe about weight loss.
If you are interested in having complimentary access to these blogs, just send an email to: and write weight loss in the subject line. You will receive an email to notify you when the next blog is available.
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Dr. Lou